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Showing posts from August, 2019

The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

The major fear of change

The major fear of change is fear of rejection. All human being wants to be liked. The desire to be accepted by family, friends and business acquaintance. People seek approval from those around us. This is because no one wants to  be criticized or talked about (negatively). No one wants to be made fun of. To be caricatured is the last desire of human being. One of the biggest lies ever memorized by children is; sticks and stones may break my bone but names will never hurt

Why wealth does not come from your job

Wealth does not come from your job; it comes from your gift. Respect is a result of your gift. It does not come because you seek it. Respect is from the manifestation of your function, your gift, your leadership spot. That's why they call on you. That's why people who need your gift call on you. They will look for you no matter the distance. Your specialty makes you valuable, and I tell you everyone was born with a specialty—no one was created to take up space. May I also remind us that disrespect is a result of ignorance of function. What

How your passion becomes pleasure

When you are in your leadership spot, everything you do is joy—your work is joy. When you find that spot, going to work is pleasure. Once you have realized that your leadership is in your spot —your area of gifting because He has prepared a place—home—your spot, then you sure will begin to manifest it. Leadership is having something for which everybody is going to come to you. Your gift becomes your produce—the goods you sell to the world—your

Why you should stop running in competition

You should stop running in competition because the only person you should compete with in life is yourself. What you should be concerned is how well you can perform in your leadership spot. Every human being possessed leadership potential. The reason you suffer from jealousy is that you think that people can take your spot. And the reason you are suspicious of people is that you are afraid someone can take your place in life. The reason you compete with other people for

The evidence of manifesting your gift

When you start manifesting your gift, whenever the need of your gift arise, you would be called. This is because your gift is so valuable, people send for you.  A person's gift opens the way and brings him into the presence of the great. Your gift won't manifest itself until it is moved to manifest. It is your responsibility to manifest it. It may also interest you to know that every human has a place in the universe of humanity. The universe has a place for your gift. You can only