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Showing posts from July, 2019

The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

The great problems of humanity

Among the great problems of humanity is 'self-doubt' Those who doubt themselves do not know who they are; they try to be everybody else; they doubt their abilities, therefore they put on other people's identities. Just like our Saviour, He never automatically accepted others' opinions of Him. Someone might have called you stupid, and you believe you are stupid. Perhaps you even quit school because of it. People might have called you ugly, and now you think you are ugly. You

What consolatory words are

Once we truly know that life is difficult, once we truly understand and accept it, then life is no longer difficult. Why? Because once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters. Always remember to ask for this— God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. It is necessary to know the difference between things you can change and things you cannot change. See also, " facts of life and problems of life "

Beauty is in the character

I don't want to marry because of beauty. I am going to marry because of character—good character," Kunle said. "I swear, I must marry a beautiful girl, good character or not. You know I like beautiful things, classy ladies wearing heavy make-up," Tombo declared. Lola is beautiful but her character disqualifies her as a true beauty. Tombo married her with the consolatory words "she will change". Lola's character flaws, she is infidelity. Tombo continues to endure her long lasting immoral

Are there characteristics that effective leaders have in common?

Leadership is inherent. Success at it will require some preparation. In order to carry out the mission, orders or contracts, a leader must have some assets. The question of: are there characteristics that effective leaders have in common? Now, let's start it this way. If you studied the lives of great leaders, even those around you, I guess you would be able to see some similarities. Leaders inspire . To inspire is to activate, to mobilize. To inspire is to make others internalize your

People who try to pursue greatness

People who try to pursue greatness are usually not yet leadership material. This is to say, to tap into that power and step out as a leader, you must follow a process. Whosoever wants to be a leader must first be servant.  Our world is legion of  potential leaders. We need to recognize and nurture the gifts in ourselves and in others. We all must achieve our own potential and help others achieve theirs. When we really know people and their gifting, we change our attitudes towards

Relevant questions you should ask yourself

To explore your spot and your purpose, ask yourself some questions such as: Who am I? What do I do? These are the first questions. Followed by— Can I be a servant? see also " Servant leadership " Do I really want to be the slave? See also " What is the cost? " Am I willing to be the youngest? See also " Why you have to desire for greatness " What's my function? What is my purpose? See also " Identifying with your purpose " What is my gift? See also " why the world is in need of direction "

Why the world is in need of direction

This world we live in today is in need of direction for a better tomorrow. Never estimate the power of one self. Every now and then we seek leaders who will better people's lives—and often this process produces a cadre of leaders on every continent, who at the end, in turn, disappoint the voters and the entire clan or province with abuse of power and corruption. Meanwhile, the search for true leaders goes on for instance every four years in Nigeria.

What is the key to success?

Let's start it this way; the key to success is discovering your uniqueness and significance. Now, the question should be: what is this uniqueness and significance all about? Each of us makes ourselves valuation to the world by identifying a gift so unique that no one can find our skills and contributions anywhere else. No matter how insignificant you see that your area, don't be dismayed. Those products you want to venture into business to deal on may look

Negative effects of being in the wrong spot

Frustration was what we discussed on in our previous posts as one of the negative effects of being in the wrong spot. We shall be discussing on other effects such as; Desperation Once you are pursuing your purpose and using your gifts, you experience fulfilment. You can imagine how luckier you can be then to spend your time doing something that pleases you and pleases your Creator. You're pleased because you can use your area of gifting