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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Worst of domestic violence

Omalicha was my cousin who got married at her teen. Nineteen is not that early anyway but no doubt she was still a teen. She was dark in complexion with round face endowed with beauty as people gave her the compliment "black is beautiful". She was very quiet and had good character. In fact, she was a "good breed". Always cheerful with sense of humane. I can testify that she had manner of etiquette.

"Omalicha, Omalicha!" Nwokocha
screaming. He had taken more than enough palmwine mixed with some bottles of alcohol. He didn't stop there, he went on to take wraps of weed. That was actually the last stick he had in his hand smoking it on his way home before he finally arrived at his compound.

He was staggering like a drunk. That was actually his routine and Omalicha had known him for that and she would try her best to avoid his trouble each time she found him in such a state. This drinking and smoking habit of her husband left her with worries. She was not happy to see the man she called her husband being jeered and mocked all the time as a drunk- treating him with derision. She had advised him several times but Nwokocha instead of retreating would rather increase the number of bottles he takes just to make sure he didn't heed to her advice.

So, as soon as Omalicha heard his voice, she came running to know why he called with the thought that something wrong must have happened. "Omali or Omalicha," he said with unsteady voice. His voice cracking the more this time he said," Omalicha this possessed girl can't you greet" he stammered as he kept staggering. He staggered to her reach tempting to hit her but she showed off her face. Like a kid that paws she ran back into the house, she thought it was over. Few minutes later the door slammed, he pushed it in unconsciously. Suddenly he jumped on Omalicha as usual and began to hit her but she didn't retaliate.

Shortly, Nwokocha carried center table to hit on her head. She fell down and collapsed with her eyes wide open, blood gushing out of her mouth and nose. Their four children were crying with their mother before she fell down, they cried aloud yet neighbours gave deaf ears to the long lasting screaming and wailing of Omalicha and her children before she gave up.

It was when they noticed that she was dead that the neighbours ran away. The compound was soon deserted leaving Nwokocha with his slain wife and their weeping children. Some minutes later the police arrived with their Hilux and handcuffed Nwokocha, taking the four children- two boys and two girls along.

Now, who informed the police?
Who will take care of the four children?
What would become of Nwokocha? Because according to law of competent jurisdiction offence or crime committed under the influence of alcohol- the offender is most times pardoned but will such be Nwokocha's case of murder?

The fact that I have lost a cousin still baffles me and beats my imagination-but then husbands should be very careful, stop treating your wives with so much wickedness and brutality unless you are a brute. See "domestic violence"

Learn how to control your temper see "why we act the way we do"
Treat women with kindness-
Say NO to domestic violence
A cruelly rapacious man is not worthy to have a good woman.
It takes only an irresponsible man to hit his wife!

See "A short story collection"


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