The number one priority of every woman in a relationship is that she is with a man who is financially stable. Read 10 ways to building a healthy relationship. Some women would come
to you singing love to your ears but once you have spent quit a short time with her she would open the bag of her priority. It's then you would know her secret agenda sealed in the envelope of feign smile. She needs money to take care of her facial looks and whatever.It's true they may come to you saying that you think they want your car, money or material acquisitions but that they are there all they want is your time, care, love and making them your priority but without a man being financially stable that relationship won't be romantic. Though it's also true that if you let her know that she is your priority and have to remind her from time to time how important she is, how much you care, love and cherish her, you wouldn't know how much problem disappear in your relationship but financial stability of a man makes him feel like a real man whenever he is with her. Read 10 ways to know if she truly loves you
It's your financial worth that can buy her happiness, love, you take her round town, spoil her with flash and exotic gift. She looks splendid and her body glows, that glamorous looks are all the evidence of money. Read 15 ways to fix a broken relationship. She wants to make her hair, buy her body creme, buy make up kit and accessories, jewelries, Italian bags and shoes and assorted London wears without asking the level of your income. She doesn't want to hear no money. So it's then the man wouldn't be surprised to remember this phrase, "no cash, no romance".
One of the areas of a woman's security need is that she's got a man who can and will support her and her future career and when eventually they marry support their future children financially. This is not to say that women are gold diggers. But in the back of many of the minds they think "does this man I am having a relationship with have the work ethic that will give me a secure feeling financially.
The basic needs of his woman (wife) and children if any can cause real marital or relationship strain.
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