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Showing posts from June, 2019

The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

How you can find the right job

How to find the right job It is true that next to salvation, marriage, and your family, your vocation is the most important thing in your life. Because of that I would have to give you the practical suggestions. It may interest you to know that finding a lifetime vocation is really not too difficult. But don't expect it to be the dramatic thing it is for some people. Most of us hear our Creator by the gentle urging of our hearts, our burden that he puts into our hearts to do

A woman called after a moon

A good woman is a moon to a man. But an easy virtuous woman is a star. There are always many stars up in the sky but a moon is scarce and always one moon could be found among many stars," Ogazi said. "I believe my wife, Sophia is a moon. She is a prestigious woman. Very submissive. And serving me like her king. She is very caring and loving," Okachie boasted. Ogazi was very surprised to listen to him talk. He pitied him. "My wife could be troublesome but she still has pride. I

A man married twenty-four wives

Chief Nnaji why did you marry twenty-four wives?" Jonah asked. Nnaji is a man of affluence and he doesn't take advice from anybody. He thinks and acts anything that comes out of his mind. "Do you really have to ask me this? Anyways I still would share with you the reason I married twenty-four wives. Now, sit down on the sofa. Would you mind having a drink with me?" Nnaji asked. "No, thanks. But water would be okay for now," replied Jonah. "I observed you have many children, how many are

Two ways to escape from your challenges

Every time you have been knocked down by the challenges of life, be relentless in the pursuit of your goals. Face it! There are only two ways to escape challenges and we shall discuss it here.  See also " how to escape poverty lin e" Pressure: It is said that pressure brings the greatest among us into light. It is when you have challenges that you expect great things. That shows you are really " working something out " without challenges you would never grow. Don't you get it? You can't succeed without challenges. Don't worry you have to know all you

A man married his wife in death

You must marry her in death. Since you show no respect—did not avail yourself the opportunity you have all these years to know the family of the woman you have been living with for many years. Having five children for you. You don't care to know if she was a ghost or not. What were you thinking?" Ochiri, Asa's father yelled. "Not just that you have been living with her but having children with her without a bottle of drink to her people. What an irresponsible act?" Eme said. Asa, our daughter was taken by you. Not even taken, you kidnapped her, used her until death. You made her

Why you should not strive to be great

Strive not to be great but to be serving:  Not how much money can we get from a customer, but how much better can we serve the customer? Let our question always be, how can we make customers' lives easier and more convenient? Let your concern be—how can we give them better quality? It is possible that, if the organizations of the world strive to become servant leaders, they will become great companies in the generation. What this implies is this—if you want to be great serve. Learn how to serve. Servant

Why you have to desire for greatness

The desire for greatness is the source of purpose and inspires meaning. It gives the human spirit the motivation to aspire. The desire for greatness is where the incentive for progress, development and inventions is birthed. Of course greatness is good! Anyone can be great. Now this is the secret: don't be deceived with this, if you want to be great, "don't desire greatness, don't try to be great" that is a deadly disease to greatness. And such discouragement easily comes

How you can serve your gift to be great

Greatness is serving your gift: Greatness is inherent in the human spirit and is a principal motivation for all human action and decisions. Few would admit this reality, and most would deny it. Many parades their denial in a display of false humility claiming they only want to serve, when in fact their motivation for service is attention, recognition, and admiration. Meanwhile, self-serving is disguised as humility. Perhaps even the definition of greatness must be rediscovered and the traditional concept challenged,

Find out the secrets of success

Serve—the first of all: Dream no small dreams around here, because nothing is impossible. What is leadership? It is, above all, service . A leader is a servant of the people. The teaching of Christ. How do you become a leader by serving? Simple you have to serve something to the world. You are great when you develop your gift so well that the first person they think of when they want something done is you. Do not consider that abuse. That's greatness. The other people are not producing; you are. That