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Showing posts from April, 2019

The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Kindness, Encouragement and Trust

Kindness  It is very easy to say something unkind or to involve in an unkind act. Yet it takes energy, courage, and insight to be thoughtful. You may feel that certain individuals have treated you in a very unkind manner. Though this hurts. You cannot change what people have done. However, you can change your attitude toward others by being kind to them. That's a poor example, don't follow them. Always choose to be a very considerate

Habits, devotion/fixity of purpose and temptation

Habit People are creatures of habit. Some of our habits are good, such as brushing our teeth and some habits are bad, such as losing our temper. Habits are developed by repeating specific actions over and over. And usually, the only way to get rid of bad habit is to replace them with good habits. If the void of the bad habit is not filled with something good, the bad will often return. Pick out a habit you would like to replace and a behavior to replace it with. Start now,

Laziness, selfishness and courage

Laziness This often times enters our lives when we face an unpleasant task. We think that by putting off an action maybe it will disappear. When we get behind in tasks and responsibilities, our failure to perform grows until any task seems too large and requires too much energy. The value placed on the task or responsibility determines the amount of effort we will put forth to accomplish the end result. So now, how much is it worth to you to change how you have been living and feeling? That's a

Conscience, pride and backsliding

Conscience   On this journey to feeling great, it is important to become sensitive to the still, small voice of your conscience. Your conscience may suggest, it is better to leave some things unsaid. It may tell you that you have hurt someone's feelings. This inner voice has been given to you by God to help direct your moral behaviour. Your conscience helps you determine right from wrong. It tells you to forgive others and to ask for forgiveness yourself. 

Patience, faith, confidence

Patience Have you ever thought about where patience comes from? It comes from trouble. Patience isn't needed when everything is working well and you are getting your way. Patience only increases when it's being exercised. As you persevere through these days of feeling greatness, you will develop more patience because you are working through problems and trials. Patience is an excellent by-product of the process.

Affliction, anger and fear

Affliction   Sincerely speaking, it's not fun to encounter hardships, sufferings, and trials. It's very painful. Yet in the midst of problems, it's easy to become lost in all of the hurt. If you focus on the discomfort, your motivation for change will decrease. As you begin your journey to feeling greatness always ask our Creator for help as to help you learn from your circumstances—always ask Him to give you the strength to endure with patience your present trials and experience the joy of spiritual growth. Anger   We all should know that anger is a signal that something is wrong. Who or what's the focus of your life? Is your feeling based on a real or an imagined hurt? If your anger is imagined. Always ask our creator to help you view the situation correctly. If it is real, confess it to the one who hurt you. And remember to ask Him for the grace to forgive him or her. See also  " forgiveness is golden " Don't let anger grow and fester in your soul.

Commitment, obedience, and responsibility

Commitment   This is a good day to examine your commitment. What are you willing to die for? What are you willing to put time, money, and energy into? What activities are you willing to back with action and not just talk? Commitment demands persistence and perseverance—a willingness to pay the cost. See also " What is the cost? " There may be many pressures to discontinue the course you are on. Always ignore them. To commit everything to our Creator means

Worry, hatred and revenge

Does it pay to worry? But do you know that at times things you worry about never happen. Worry keeps them away. Worry consumes your thoughts and makes you unproductive. And it changes absolutely nothing. The opposite of worry is trust. If you're worrying then you're not trusting God. Do you think our Creator is caught off guard by your problems. Don't you think that because He cares about the birds of the air—He also cares about what you are facing. Only drop your worry at His

It's time you had a talk with yourself

Of course our patterns of thinking can influence health, longevity, success, and scores on achievement test among other aspects of life. "Our expectancies not only affect how we see reality but also affect the reality itself" I believe that for a given level of intelligence.  While styles of thinking are generally stable over a person's lifetime. There is a belief that styles can be changed. Changes made in the thinking styles of individuals from pessimistic to optimistic persisted for one year after

Depression, loneliness and guilt

Depression, loneliness and guilt are three enemies of success  Depression makes you want to withdraw from other people and life in general. This emotion usually comes as a result of being deeply hurt by someone or encountering a specific, difficult situation. Loss, loneliness and guilt are often found in depression, and anger is a strong component. To overcome this emotion, acknowledge the hurt, work through the anger, just focus on God's great works in your past, think about what is true and right.

Heart fulfilling life goals

If you think you cannot do anything; count yourself dead. But remember, it's only a coward that fights and didn't just run away but confirms that he is a loser. Dreams and pursuits are the vehicles that carry success, and vehicle can only ride on successfully if the rider is focused. See " focus is all you need to succeed " The only measure of what you believe is what you do. If you want to know what people believe don't read what

Route to success

Giving people the motivation to grow without also providing them the means of doing it, is a tragedy. He is a wise man who wastes no energy on pursuits for which he is not fitted and he is still wiser who from among the things he can do well, not only that he also chooses and resolutely follows the best.  Most people don't have a natural knack for spotting their greatest areas of potential. They need help doing it, especially as they begin growing and striving to reach their potential. See " wrong spot " It's important for you to impact in lives positively for their growth.  There is no more noble occupation in the world than to assist another human being. To help others succeed. To help others enlarge themselves is one of the most incredible things you can ever do for them.  The success journey growing to reach your potential is one of the three components to being successful. Mark this point " along with knowing your purpose and sowing seeds that be

How you can move from zero to hero

Giving can take you from zero to hero. Now we have many types of unacceptable giving that can bring you to your zero level in life. Only those who learn to release their seed can increase their harvest. The foolish man hoards to increase but the wise gives to increase. If you give trickles, you get trickles in return.  Give bountifully you reap bountifully. See also  " secret of sowing " proud giving, here gifts that ooze out or emanate from such a heart is not blessed

Development of integrity is the inside job

The reason many people struggle with integrity issues is that they tend to look outside themselves to explain any character. It's true that many people of poor character would not be the way they are if only they had grown in a different environment. Now it's true that our upbringing and circumstances affect who we are, the greater number of choices we make, either for good or bad. Two people can grow up in the same environment, even in the same