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Showing posts from November, 2018

The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Link between poverty and laziness

You can never stumble into success while sitting and wishing and doing nothing. NO, it's not done that way. You have to be on the move, doing something meaningful daily, while you trust God for a mega breakthrough. Successful people don't just wish, they act, start working! Counting your dreams without definite steps taken to actualize them is mocking yourself. If you are not making impact you are possibly resting too much . Do you know that Poverty is usually

A positive attitude is a product of belief

You have to change your beliefs about yourself to unearth that trapped leader, the seed of greatness born in you and your area of gifting. Until you discover yourself, however, self doubt will contaminate your attitude. You cannot fake having confidence. That comes from understanding yourself- by self- discovery. You can read a thousand positive- thinking books and still think negatively. Yes!  When you know who you are, you automatically keep everyone else in

What a productive thinking means

The greatest offence you can ever commit against your own destiny and future generations is the refusal to engage your mind in productive thoughts. Remember : who engages his mind in productive thoughts will not only be on top but over the top.  You really have to decide right now that you should not live in this world and die as an observer or just a consumer, but let it be as a producer. Decide it today that the world will someday celebrate and enjoy at least one of the

Work it out

If you don't put your mind to work nothing commendable will happen. Nothing will be held back from you if only you imagine it and set your mind to do it. For the wonders of technology today, somebody first imagined it and thereafter set his or her mind to do and actually did it. Same here, if you can also imagine it and do it, you can achieve it. Always put your mind to work. Productive minds must be void of distractions and interferences. If you can put your mind to work, you can break through limitations and

You can't think poor and become rich

You can't think poor and become rich: This is why you should monitor your thoughts. If all you do is to think about failure or unfortunate situations like death, sickness, poverty etc all day long, you might just see it manifest in reality someday. It is very difficult to think impossibilities and see possibilities. That which you accept as a thought and consistently dwell upon in your mind, is what you will eventually see in your life. Your thoughts power your life. We see what we are prepared to see. Your encounters in life are a function of your mindsets. Your life experiences are patterned after your daily thoughts.

Your thoughts

Your thoughts creates your physical reality and establishes your code of action and reaction. Your thoughts rule or govern  your world. Do you know that you can never remain poor if you evolve a rich mind that exercises itself in great thoughts. Money is the tangible reality of an intangible reality of your thoughts. Once your thought creates the picture of a thing, you can begin to handle it if you don't throw it away through unbelief. Mind you devil is not your

You create the future by that thought

You cannot step over and above your present challenges or limitations until you engage your mind in a creative and productive/ innovative thinking process. Once your mind is made up in the right direction, the quality of your life begins to step up also in the right direction automatically. If you don't like the harvest of experience that you are reaping today, then you must watch the seeds of thoughts that you are allowing to take root on the soil of your mind. The

How you can handle rejection

These are ways you can handle rejection: Avoid self scorn:  Don't keep blaming yourself for who you are. Always accept and appreciate your personality. Self scorn means rejecting self, so avoid it. Always accept fate and stay focus. Create great self image:  Remember that it's good thinking, good product.  Avoid scattered thinking. Once you are focused you won't get distracted. You need to learn to focus your thoughts on a specific issue at a time and same time

How do you handle rejection?

Rejection is only a visitor in your life. It comes and goes. Having much experience to share with you on rejection- I will start by saying this "anyone who doesn't experience or hasn't experienced rejection has not started. Such person would be referred to as a new born baby on earth. It's great people that experience and suffer rejection the most. That's to prove to you that rejection is part of growth because it strengthens you to thread on the part of success. In life the greatest tragedy is

Corruption and how it defiles

I traveled to inyishi, Ota Ikeduru in Owerri on Saturday for a ceremony. When we boarded Mitsubishi. It was an interesting journey but something kept happening. Before we could reach Owerri, Nazi pack our driver had given money to soldiers on checking points for more than ten times. And I asked myself how will Nigeria be better? When will Nigeria be better? I answered myself "Nigeria couldn't have been better than this". One interesting thing about Nigerians is

Navigator's help to the nurtured

Help them to know that successful people face more problems than unsuccessful people : the misconception that successful people have achieved because they didn't have problems- but that's not true. Not only do people overcome obstacles to become successful but even after they have achieved a level of success they continue to face problems. The bad news is that the higher people go either personally or professionally- the more complicated life gets. Then schedules

How to become a positive thinker

Be positive: It's very easy to be negative. By nature most people seem to go to the negative. It takes mental discipline to react to life in a positive frame of mind. We need wisdom for this to happen in us anyway. But we also have to know that wisdom, understanding and knowledge don't just fall out of the sky. We not only pray we must make the necessary sacrifices to achieve them and accomplish our goal in life. The only inheritance that a man will leave that has eternal value is his

What is a shadow on location?

Let's start this way- when your creator pours His life into you, He also not only refreshes you but blesses you, then you must understand that He has a greater purpose than just your own welfare. People will start flocking around you. See " a navigator " . Then at that time what's expected of you is to open your heart to them and pour into them the truth. See also  " mentor ". Always open your heart to them and pour into them the truth which you have received.

True definition of freedom

Chief Okochi was dancing at the market place this afternoon," said Ogbuji. "I said I saw Okochi at the high chief's compound this evening singing for the high chief and elders in council," testified Okwu. "You are all liars. Is it Okochi you are talking about? I saw him a while ago discussing with Mboria at the river border that separates Umutum from Owe village, said Ogazi. "I know myself, I am a man of affluence and..." Okochi stammered. Ogbuji, Okwu and Ogazi were then looking at him. "affluence and what?" Okwu asked. "You lack integrity Okochi. You can't wine and dine with our enemies, those who deny us of our freedom and still stand here to talk to us," Ogazi was infuriated. "but you can do whatever you want but the Oboko clan must be freed. "Why are you old men sounding like little tots? Even the mother hen and her chicks can vindicate me from this. Your accusations are not true, am not guilty. My mother o...