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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

The Magic Egg and The Witch

Okoto was a magician who lived in the street, no home but at night he would make a house for his shelter then in the morning it would turn to a dry land of no housing. He used to use his

charms on people who fell prey. People from other communities used to come to him for magics and sorceries.

Most times Okoto made sacrifices with living creatures like goats, rams in the streets. At times fanta, biscuits, and groundnuts scattered around his usual spot of  sacrifice. One night he left to that point to offer some sacrifices. He was about disappearing from his shrine that night. He never knew that the witch had been suspecting how he managed to make those sacrifices without her seeing when he was coming.

He was on the spot to make sacrifices. He disappeared from his shrine, he was in the air and Kirikiri, the witch was also in the air because she timed him and knew when and how he always left his shrine to the sacrificing spot.

When he arrived, the wizard never knew a witch was following him. It was really stalking not following him because she had been a monitoring spirit of the wizard. This was unknown to him till that night. When he appeared to the spot and turned into an egg instantly, the witch couldn't have known it was him who was that egg if not that she stalked him. 

Kirikiri, the witch allowed him make the sacrifice that night. After the sacrifice he turned into an egg and disappeared. The witch was not happy with him because she felt belittled by the wizard, she claimed that he was crossing her bound, her territory to make sacrifices without asking for permission. Though she had never told him her fears and anger, she only wanted to destroy him.

Now, it was another time for sacrifice, he had fortified himself and performed his usual ritual before he journey to the sacrificing ground. "I will show him the power of an angry witch and he will feel my venom," she swore. She was ready watching when he would appear into an egg. Once he fell as an egg and appeared on the ground, she didn't hesitate she picked it and put in a bottle before it could reach the ground.

Wizard Okoto turned into human in the coke bottle and began to plead for release. The next day, the witch left for a meeting, flying like a cockroach decided to stop by to suck some people's blood. The victim was also prepared for her that night. So immediately she came and spurred on a neighbour's body who always complained of how she woke up everyday to see some strange marks all over her body, looking red. So the bruises kept the neighbour awake. It was actually the witch's tenant. 

The tenant had a bottle she reserved for the evil spirit in case whenever it returned. Immediately the cockroach flew and found herself in the tenant's room, the tenant pretended to be sleeping as it was about to spike on her body, the next she grabbed it and immediately inserted her in the bottle.

Moral lessons 

He who kills with sword will die by sword.

Everyday for the treacherous enemy but one day for the victim and owner.

One good turn deserves another. The wicked must not go unpunished. Everyone will be paid in his own coin.

Read other short stories

The Kidnapped princess 


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