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Showing posts from December, 2019

The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

Ten new year's resolution points

Dear Christmas: How have you been? How has the celebration been? I understand how you imposed stress on people this season. It is just remaining few days to crossover to 2020. My aim of writing you this letter is to tell you how far the new year resolution would be. Some people sacrificed lives to get money to celebrate this Christmas. They forgot that this Christmas celebration is just one week. 25th December is the

Responsibility before bold step

Success is all about responsible and being responsible is all about taking responsibility. Taking responsibility is not working because others are working but working with a purpose. Doing because others are doing is simply to please others but doing with focus and intention to impact in others and fulfil your purpose is what makes you a great and ambitious person. Following others' footstep doesn't make you unique rather it makes you

Marriage weaknesses

The man keeps late nights He doesn't take her out He is very ashamed to walk in the street with her He doesn't give her money for her up-keep or care about her welfare No love, affection No rose flower under the pillow, no love messages from work to her They don't fly a kite together She doesn't make his bed She doesn't cook for him The maid cooks and serves him dinner She faces the other way while he faces

Causes of divorce

Lack of understanding see also , " Poor understanding ": Poor understanding in marriage between the spouses goes a long way to increase the rate of misunderstanding that creates a serious loophole that affects a marriage not to stand and or being effective and fruitful. Domestic violence see also , " What is domestic violence? " This is one the things that causes problem in a marriage. Some women feel hurt when a man hit them. They feel

Early signs of divorce

What is divorce?  Divorce is the result of absence of marriage incentives and motivators. Such incentives as flavour and aroma of marriage which when found wanting cause marriage to lose its flavour and salty taste. Motivators such as " understanding and loyalty ". What is marriage? Marriage is the flavour of life. Just like a tree gives shade, same does marriage shade us. Any woman who is not married is without a shade, because the man is her protector and the woman is a coverage. Likewise any

Brotherhood a short story

"I need your help," Nkem said. "I have no dime on me right now, I'm yet to receive my wage," Nkem further explained. The phone dropped on her ear. She rang the phone again. He busied the call. She tried reaching him it was "the number you are calling is not reachable please try again later or you can drop a voice message," was what she heard. She kept dialing his number, suddenly, "hello! hello!! hello!!! I can't hear you. What are you saying," he dropped the