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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

What Triggers Your Anger

Anger has a lot to do with your thinking. Dealing with anger changes your thinking. Your inability to deal with your anger deteriorates and infect your thinking. The moment you restrain your

anger and overlook insults and abuses, the credit to you as a wise man. Because if you allow anger to control you, it also controls your mindset and your thinking would be affected.

Anger worsens situations. Today a lot of people involve in silly acts, mesmerize themselves and people around them and regret afterward that's product of anger. Nothing good comes with anger, instead you end up in a mess. To control your anger is not a matter of age but maturity in mind. You can see an older person who cannot control his anger but a younger person can overbear acts that trigger anger. Many people commit suicide simply because they have found their situation overbearing and unbearable so can't bear and deal with such situation whereas that's same situation a mature minded person can overlook and overcome.

The root base of overpowering your anger is your level of understanding and tolerance, self discipline has a whole lot to do with your ability to overcome your anger. You had better leave anger or peace would leave for anger. I mean your ability to adhere and overpower your resentment makes peace to flag in no matter how rough or bad a situation appears. Most people get infuriated at a slight provocation, they can't deal with it, they flame up like one ignited by fired only to end up damaging things before they realize or know it and come to their senses or normal self, such deeds you cannot undo.

Anger had made many people to destroy themselves and their lifetime achievements. Anger has a way of destroying our minds and thinking and the effects are disastrous. Anger has its way of pissing you and people around you up. So far, that brings us to what triggers your anger.

What Triggers Your Anger 

A lot of things trigger anger. Take a look at and consider these few factors.

  • Insults and abuses
  • Past experiences 
  • Stress and depression 
  • Arguments 
  • Physical combat or fight 
  • Challenging words
  • Difficult times such as recession, economic crisis 
  • Emotional imbalance 
  • Bad mood
  • Provocation 
  • Exaggeration
  • Perceptual imbalance
  • Frustration 
  • Confusion 
  • Betrayal etc

Join us next time as we bring to you "how those factors trigger anger", "things anger can cause" and "how to deal with your anger" what triggers the active and passive forms of anger 

Read related posts 

Stress and sources of stress

What you should do with your stress 

How bad Resentment could be  



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