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The Weeping Lecturer

In the morning, the heavens opened and it began to rain. Bella grabbed her umbrella to get to school, as she walked out of the hostel the first

David and Goliath a short story

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom called Oman. Oman Kingdom was surrounded by water. Storms and snow ice were the problem of the inhabitants. Oman inhabitants were so worried that the snow ice was killing and destroying the source of their livelihood. When there was a heavy fall, many would go into coma, some would loss their lives. Oman was richly blessed and endowed with natural resources, no doubt. 

People of Oman were peaceful people. The only problem they had was the heavy fall of several storms and snow ice which kept destroying their farm produce. After cultivation, they praised and prayed to the Creator for rapid and ever green growing crops. At the time of harvest the heavy fall of snow would destroy them all. They would only harvest very tiny tubers of yam, yellowish vegetation which had been destroyed with hole by insects and termites as if they were on famine. The use of some chemical insecticides couldn't proffer solution. 

In spite of the pesticide treatment they gave their plants to improve the crops to grow ever green, they ended up been destroyed. It was then a heavy blow to the land, that hunger became a killer of many as they kept dying of starvation.


"This pestilence has stolen the peace, sleep, and harmony of Oman Kingdom and the Kingdom is gradually drifting away and if care is not taken would completely drift apart," king Ophalade cried to his cabinet members. "If we don't take precautionary measures against this blow, Oman Kingdom will be doomed," Namdella, the prime minister was as worried and confused as the king. As the second in command the pain of the community was on his shoulder and the king because their leadership became accountable to the people the day they assumed the position of leadership in Oman Kingdom. 

According to tradition if a ruler failed to control situations or crises, he would be decrowned, bashed and stripped naked before the people and be stoned to death. King Ophalade's twin were worried because their father would soon face shameful trial which was going to involved prosecution and execution as allegedly caused of the calamity. His two princes, David was the youngest and Goliath was the crowned prince. But Goliath was very quiet and humble. He was not active, David was overpowering him and he was overbearing David. Now the pestilence causing starvation and drying up people's farm lands to nothing left them with worries. 

"I have a plan," said David. "Let's go to the bush," he said to Goliath. Goliath didn't say otherwise he followed him. It was a thick forest of Zamba they directed their footsteps. They journeyed for days. When they got to a clouded place, smoke hovering around the place. David allowed his brother Goliath to enter before him but before he could put his head, David didn't see him again, if he disapeared into the thin air he couldn't tell. He became history. 

Then a voice was came and he heard it speaking from the clouded smoke, "Oman is free. For sacrificing the crown prince of Oman, heir apparent to the throne to serve me my lunch, no more death, pestilence and suffering in Oman kingdom," the echo was too loud and nearly deafened his ears. There was a great upheaval, David left in fear, shivering. He went stumbling and tumbling unconsciously as a result of the earthquake.

Look before you leap. Don't have one way directive mind. Don't act without considering the possible consequences. Always consider the consequences before you act. 


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